The cultural exchange

Italian version Bandiere

The Liceo Scientifico Leonardo da Vinci has been accredited as a beneficiary of the KA1 action - SHORT-TERM MOBILITY PROJECTS SCHOOL SECTOR, Erasmus+ Projects 2021-2027, accreditation number 2023-1-IT02-KA122-SCH-000128012.


What is it about? The project involves cultural exchange and twinning between our school and the Swedish school Solna Gymnasium in Stockholm, with the aim of  enabling a group of students from our school to spend a week-long cultural and school experience in Sweden accompanied by their teachers and a week in Italy for a group of Swedish students hosted by our students and our high school.


Here are the photos of the exchange in which the two Cambridge  Fourth classes participated!


The Leo's voice.PDF

La voce del Leo.PDF